Milk whey, a byproduct of the dairy industry has a negative environmental impact, can be used as a raw material for added-value compounds such as galactooligosaccharides (GOS) synthesis by β-galactosidases. B-gal42 from Pantoea anthophila strain isolated from tejuino belonging to the glycosyl hydrolase family GH42, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and used for GOS synthesis from lactose or milk whey. Crude cell-free enzyme extracts exhibited high stability; they were employed for GOS synthesis reactions. In reactions with 400 g/L lactose, the maximum GOS yield was 40% (w/w) measured by HPAEC-PAD, corresponding to 86% of conversion. This enzyme had a strong predilection to form GOS with β(1 → 6) and β(1 → 3) galactosyl linkages. Comparing GOS synthesis between milk whey and pure lactose, both of them at 300 g/L, these two substrates gave rise to a yield of 38% (60% of lactose conversion) with the same product profile determined by HPAEC-PAD.
Ref.:"Synthesis of β(1 → 3) and β(1 → 6) galactooligosaccharides from lactose and whey using a recombinant β-galactosidase from Pantoea anthophila" Claudia V.Yañez-Ñeco, Fadia V.Cervantes, LorenaAmaya-Delgado, Antonio O.Ballesteros, Francisco J.Plou, Javier Arrizon. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology,
Volume 49, January 2021, Pages 14-21.